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Posts in "racism"
Bible Belt Babble With Willard "Teabag" Chinsley Vol. 10

Greetings, fellow teabaggers. Willard "Teabag" Chinsley here with another dispatch from the sane side of political discourse. So much has happened since the last issue, and I have but a few paragraphs to explain it all. Well we start by saying goodbye to Rick Santorum and reluctantly throw our support behind *ahem*... Mitt Romney, take a look at the so called "war on women", and defend a friend of the teabaggers, Ted Nugent.

It was a disappointing day this past April 10th as we all had to say our sad goodbyes to teabagger favorite Rick Santorum. It seems Rick decided to dig that rusty hanger deep into the fertile womb of his candidacy and serve up a bloody abortion, much to the dismay of the REAL white, racist, homophobic, conservative, christian electorate. And while we are all upset that Rick didn't make the best of a bad situation and carry this campaign to term, we all understand that he needed to look out for the interests of his awkwardly large family. And with the most interesting thing to come out of the Gingrich campaign in the last couple of months being his announcement that he was recently bitten by a penguin, Bible Belt Babble is prepared to finally announce our support for Mitt Rom-not-one-of-us... Mitt Rom-mormon... let's try again... Mitt Romney (that hurts a little). So when you head off to the ballot box this November remember: he may have no personality, his political position may change depending which room he is in at the time, he may wear magic underwear, but at least he's not black. VOTE ROMNEY IN 2012!!!

The GOP has been getting a lot of grief over this "war on women" that is being manufactured by the liberal media in this country. But let's set the record straight on this one. The media claims this war is represented by purposed legislation in republican states to mandate invasive penetration ultrasounds before allowing babies to be slaughtered, calling prostitutes whores for using birth control, and destroying laws that demand women receive equal pay for unequal work. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Conservatives are not waging war on women. We are waging war on DISOBEDIENT women. God says that women are playthings for men, and their only other purpose is to birth a future generation of genetically superior of penis-bearing world leaders. And I think we can all agree that if the liberals disagree with God, then they don't even deserve to live in this country.

True to fashion, the anti-american democrats have taken aim at another true patriot, Ted "the motor city madman" Nugent. And what is the source of their misguided rage? A totally harmless comment about possibly making an attempt at assassinating Obama should he be re-elected to a second term of office. What's next? Are they going to attack him for becoming the legal guardian of a 17 year old girl for the purposes of making her his sex slave back in 1978? Or for shitting himself for thirty days straight and reporting to his draft review without bathing or chiseling the shit off his ass to appear insane so he didn't have to serve?  Come on America, if this country is a land where a borderline pedophile, gun-toting, musically-irrelevant, draft-dodging, deadbeat father of 8 can't threaten the life of our president, then I don't want to live here anymore.

Bible Belt Babble with William "Teabag" Chinsley: Volume 8

Just Teabaggin'!

Welcome to a new experimental format for Bible Belt Babble.  It is I, "Teabag" himself, here to inform the faithful viewership in order to select the candidate that best represents the ideals of the average American Teabagger.  We are not talking about polite, reasonable, general election-type material, but good old-fashioned GOP primary racist values.  These days the Presidential hopefulls are not able to fully voice their bigotry for fear of damnation by the liberal media, but if you listen with the right kind of ears their beliefs make it out once in a while.  Let's run down the list of the top racist choices for President!

Rick Perry

 Earlier this campaign season we were all told to gasp in horror at the revelation that the Perry family hunting retreat in Texas was marked by a monument near the entrance known as "Niggerhead Rock".  While this may incite the rage of the PC police, it seems positively harmless to anyone that has spent time in the Lone Star State.  In fact, that kind of ambient racism is what earned Rick Perry the Governorship of Texas, and images of the rock were used in local campaign commercials.  And considering the regularity of his public speaking missteps we would have heard a Mel Gibson-like tirade that one time Perry gave a speech while on animal tranquilizers a couple months ago if he had a serious racist agenda.

Ron Paul

 Dr. Paul has a vision of American freedom through international isolationism, shift of governmental power back to the State level, and the abolishment of the Federal Reserve.  This freedom extends to the rights of the individual to infringe on the rights of other individuals, just like the founding fathers intended!  The evidence?  He is in favor of abolishing the Civil Rights Act, has the political support of white supremacy groups (like Stormfront, American Resistance, and the Institute of Historic Review) without disavowing them, and had many comments (insinuating that the distribution of welfare checks ended the LA riots, calling Martin Luther King day "hate whitey day", etc.) printed in his official newsletter.  They say Ron Paul wears his beliefs on his sleeve, and under that sleeve I see a sheet!

Newt Gingritch

 This floundering candidate made a big play for the racist vote this week by requesting an audience with the NAACP so he can deliver his message to black America.  That message?  "the African American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps."  He also referred to Barack Obama as "The best food stamp President in American history!"  While we at the Teabagger Party whole-heartedly agree with these comments, we feel the may be a little forced considering his recent drop in the polls, but we also must admit that it is easy to imagine Newt drunkenly ranting like Michael Richards with tourette's. 

Rick Santorum

 Very little is known about this candidate, mostly because no one has bothered to ask him about anything until recently.  But the one thing we all know about him is that he is deeply religious, and that makes for fertile ground when planting the seeds of racism.  The only time he has stolen the spotlight in the race so far he made a major slip of the tongue when he stated that we should not take money from rich people and give it to black people.   Now most analysts have determined that he meant to say "poor" instead of "black", and the Santorum campaign has flatly denied it even happened (despite ample video coverage).  But this freudian slip reveals much about how the mind values the black contribution to America.

Mitt Romney and John Huntsman

 These guys appear to be pretty clean, but are both mormon, which has a rich history of hating black people.  Read this quote from Brigham Young!

"You see some classes of the human family that are black, uncouth, uncomely, disagreeable and low in their habits, wild, and seemingly deprived of nearly all the blessings of the intelligence that is generally bestowed upon mankind.
The first man that committed the odious crime of killing one of his brethren will be cursed the longest of any one of the children of Adam. Cain slew his brother. Cain might have been killed, and that would have put a termination to that line of human beings.
This was not to be, and the Lord put a mark upon him, which is the flat nose and black skin. Trace mankind down to after the flood, and then another curse is pronounced upon the same race--that they should be the "servant of servants;" and they will be, until that curse is removed."- Brigham Young-President and second 'Prophet' of the Mormon Church, 1844-1877- Extract from Journal of Discourses.

So while these candidates both have their mormon faith going for them, they both also have the same Achilles' heel:  their mormon faith.  But you weren't going to vote for either of them, were you?

So there you have it, fellow Teabaggers.  You now have a comprehensive diagnosis of the racist ideals of each of the active candidates.  We will leave the decision to you!