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Popular Irony

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Terlet Has An Inverted Penis

Any regular reader would notice that yesterday I suffered an unprovoked attack of homophobic poetry penned by my dear colleague Terlet.  Not one to take such an offense lying down I decided to respond in kind.  So I give you this post in the spirit of mutually assured destruction, perhaps with a heightened level of homophobia and distaste.  Enjoy.


Terlet has an inverted penis

Like a button applied by a seamstress

From ten paces you'd say

It must have rotted away

And until now it's been a secret between us


Terlet is secretly gay

His ass is on frequent display

He considers your meat

A delectable treat

And he's eager to spread for some pay


Terlet is crippled and queer

He's unhappy without feces to smear

His left leg is lame

But his asshole is game

And as a bottom his sex has no peer


Terlet thinks cocks are sublime

His mouth can take two at a time

He would never protest

A request to molest

And he'll swallow your load for a dime


Terlet submits to gay men

Nightly he services ten

He's quite proud to say

That no cock's turned away

And he keeps deepthroating until you say "when"


Terlet is fueled by cum

It's inserted by way of his bum

And when he runs low

His feet move quite slow

So he plugs up his drip with his thumb


Terlet is dying of aids

His friends watch as he steadily fades

Through gay sex it was caught

And now he's destined to rot

And his lesions are scattered in spades


Terlet has an insatiable anus

He finds the most aggressive act to be painless

But once you beat your meat

Make a hasty retreat

Because his requests for more sex are quite shameless
