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Popular Irony

The Blog to rule all Blogs!!  Rescued from the wreckage of the utterly abandoned, wiped down, imported and born anew!  Same old filth, new coat of shit!

Terlet Has a Big Fat Gut

Hello friends and loyal readers.  It's your old pal Terlet.  This is going to be a bit of an abnormal post today. 

About a month and a half ago, I went to my doctor and got a physical.  I have been going to this same doctor for about 20 years and he is a pretty nice guy.  During my physical, he told me that my back hurts because I am fat and I have high blood pressure, because I am fat and that I am almost diabetic, because I am fat.  When they needled me and pulled some blood, it instantly separated into blood and bacon grease.

I told my friendly doctor that I was serious about getting rid of my gut and that I would get into better shape before our follow up appointment 2 months later.  Since then, I have done nothing.  My completely sedentary, bacon fueled lifestyle has continued unabated.

I just realized that in 2 weeks I am do for that follow up appointment.  Aw shit!  My doctor and I are comfortable with each other and he would not hesitate to voice his disappointment over the status of my jiggly gut and man-tits. 

I don't feel like getting a guilt trip from my doctor and I actually would like to get in better shape.  So today I decided to start working out.  I have the INSANITY workout DVDs.  I am going to go into my living room in a moment and pop on the first DVD.  Once complete, I will come back and finish this post.  If this is posted without any day 1 workout results, it is because I fucking died while exercising.

Alright.... Here I go.  This is gonna suck.  Let's see how I do!!

30 minutes later......

Ow.  Ow ow ow.  I was right!  I am out of shape.  I got through about 3/4 of the first disc.  It was painful.  I am out there hopping around like an idiot with my dog jumping all over me.  I am very sweaty.  So sweaty, hot and stinky.  Leg pain.  oooooooooh LEG PAIN!!

Let's see if I can keep it up or if this is only a 1 time thing.  I need to pop on disc 2 tomorrow.  It might happen..... might.  ow.

Now that I am all sweaty, I pretty much look like this guy.


Thanks for putting up with this lame, self centered post.  I promise I will make up for it eventually with something truly disgusting and perverse.  Smooches -Terlet