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Four aging, life-long friends and adversaries fend off the ordinary through the poetry of the profane.  From potty humor to funeral home funnies, the Bastards don't just slaughter the sacred cow, they have sex with it first.  It takes a real Bastard to laugh at another's suffering.  But to laugh at the suffering of your closest friends, it takes something more.  A Master Bastard.

Posts in True Crime
Master Bastard #207 - Those Crotches

It’s a new year so it’s time for a new Celebrity Death Pool! The Bastards discuss upcoming movies, genital gangrene, eat grandma style hard candy, watch wrestling and read about pulling mucus and poop coated gauze out of your mouth. Happy New Classtard!

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Master Bastard #206 - Ho! Ho! Prostitute!

The Bastards gathered early and recorded a Christmas episode that was released late. I hope you aren't sick of Christmas music! Merry Classtard!

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Master Bastard #205 - The Blood Relative

The Bastards are back and boy are they shouty! There is Batardpiece Theatre, far too much Horny For Horner and an excruciating round of Mystery Guest. Classtard…

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Master Bastard #204 - Salted Caramel

Christmas has come early as Frank from has provided our sweet, baby Bastards with the finest of toys! There is also limericks and ever so much witty banter! Oh, and tea! We drink hot chamomile tea, eat biscuits and take turns punching each other on the dick. All this and more on this episode of Barnaby Jones! Classtard!

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Master Bastard #203 - Horny For Horner

The Bastards talk about stinking buttocks, kangaroo attacks, force field fails and cowboy video games. Then they’ll delight your ears by looking at pictures online. Classtard.

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