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Popular Irony

The Blog to rule all Blogs!!  Rescued from the wreckage of the utterly abandoned, wiped down, imported and born anew!  Same old filth, new coat of shit!


Today was for shit.  Hate.  So much hate.  I am getting tons of shit from people inside and outside of work for varying degrees of bullshit.  I was, and still am, a walking pile of fat and rage.  Then I get home and literally get shit from my dog in the form of a sloppy pile of diarrhea.   It was right in the center of the carpet, and boy, did it ever soak in deep. 

With that, I end this post.  Fuck my work, fuck my coworkers, fuck the world, fuck my dog and fuck you!  Have a nice day.

Welcome home, Daddy!

Edit:  I took a nap and I feel better.  Never mind!