Master Bastard

Master Bastard Studios

Posts in Nerd Block
Nerd Block August 2014 Unboxing

 Yup, it's another Nerd Block! In this month's adventure, Terlet opens a box, rustles with it's innards and spits curses like a sad, angry man. Enjoy!

Horror Block June 2014 Unboxing

It's a terrifyingly gruesome unboxing of the very first Horror Block!  Terlet whips out his knife and spits out his ball gag to deliver you the best in unenthusiastic unboxings!  What macabre treasures will he uncover within this crimson stained ark of cardboard and despair?  Probably a shirt and some toys and shit... 

Nerd Block June 2014 Unboxing

Terlet is gonna lift up that skirt and take a gander and that box, er block, um.... I mean he's gonna put his dirty hands inside a, ... wait... um... He's going to unbox the June 2014 Nerd Block.